
Mid-way through Me Made May

Monday, May 16, 2016

I'm really enjoying taking part in Me Made May, and as we've reached the half-way point, I thought it would be a good time to share what I've worn so far! So here's week 1 and 2, and a couple of new makes that I've sewn up as a part of my pledge.

Week 1

Top row: days 1, 2 & 3; Bottom Row: days 4, 5, 6 & 7
Day 1 - Rise Turtleneck and self-drafted skirt with pinafore bib; Day 2 - Kielo Wrap Dress and new Driftless Cardigan; Day 3 - self-drafted velvet skirt, Rise Turtleneck and Retro Rucksack; Day 4 - Rise Turtleneck hack, self-drafted skirt; Day 5 - Rise Turtleneck hack and Tilly and the Buttons Miette Skirt (from the pre-blog days!); Day 6 - Nita Wrap Skirt; Day 7 - self-drafted culottes with pinafore bib and Make it Easy top.

Week 2

Top row: days 8, 9 & 10; Bottom Row: days 11, 12, 13 & 14
Day 1 - new Butterick B6178 Culottes (to be blogged) and sleeveless Rise Turtleneck; Day 2 - self-drafted skirt; Day 3 - GBSB casual trousers; Day 4 - Tilly and the Buttons Megan Dress; Day 5 - another new pair of Butterick B6178 Culottes (to be blogged); Day 6 - Kielo Wrap Dress; Day 7 - Turia Dungaree Dress.

Things I've noticed so far...

- The daily selfie thing is hard work! I know it's not the main aim of MMMay, but I really do want to document it. I've been enlisting the help of various friends, colleagues and my boyfriend, so it's not just a month of mirror selfies - let's just say I'm spreading the word about MMMay!

- I have very clear favourites - at the minute it's my Butterick B6178 culottes (which I'll post about soon) and one of my new, pledged tops: a sleeveless hack of the Papercut Patterns Rise Turtleneck. Taking daily pictures has really got me thinking about my regular repeat wears, and encouraged me to pick out some lesser-worn garments to mix in with my new faves.

- I wear A LOT of black. I'm trying to inject a bit more colour into what I wear, so we'll see how the rest of the month goes.

My Pledged Makes

I threw in a sideline pledge to make a couple of tops, to try and fill some of the gaps in my me-made wardrobe. Now the weather's warmed up, I've noticed that I'm particularly lacking in summer-appropriate tops, so that was the driving force behind this sleeveless hack of the Papercut Patterns Rise Turtleneck (worn on 4 of the first 14 days of MMMay!).

New top with old self-drafted skirt
As a part of my pledge, I also hoped to re-introduce some 'long-lost' makes into regular rotation, so I'm really pleased that this self-drafted floral skirt got it's first spin in a while with my new top! The 'hack' was simple - I re-traced the whole Rise Turtleneck pattern, but adjusted it by tracing the armholes of a TNT sleeveless pattern. I also took in the sides to make the body a bit closer fitting.

The shaded bit shows the adjustment to the armhole.
Top number 2 is made using a Prima Pattern from 1995 - one from of a box full of AMAZING 80's and 90s patterns that was very generously donated to me by my school textiles teacher. I'll do a post on them soon, but for now, here's the ummm.... 'sexy' top that I tried out.

Pattern from Prima Magazine in 1995
I made it with my holiday at the end of May in mind, so I imagine it will make a MMMay appearance then (to be honest, I'm not sure I can get away with it at home!) It was super easy and quick to sew up, and required very little fabric, but it is pretty revealing compared to my usual style!

Holiday top worn with a self-drafted skirt and Butterick B6178 Culottes
I'm feeling really positive about the challenge of Me Made May, particularly due to the kind words and encouragement from fellow sewists/participants in the online sewing community - here's to the second half! I'm going to The Big Simplicity Blog Meet in Manchester on the 21st, so hopefully see some other MMMay-ers there :)

How is everyone else feeling at the half way point?

Stay in touch!

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  1. Wow - such beautiful pieces. I love both the black and the colourful makes! I am doing MMMay, but without a lot of photos, as I just can't face the selfies!! But I am managing to get something worn most days - or one of my two daughters help out on occasions! I will be at the event on Saturday too, so look forward to meeting you!

    1. Thanks so much! I totally know how you feel with the selfies - I'm glad I've stuck to it, but it's been a real effort (there are just some days where you don't feel like getting dressed/having a photo took!)

      Glad to here you're going on Saturday :) Look forward to meeting you there! xx

  2. So impressed with the amount of handmade pieces you have in rotation! I particularly love your turia pinafore and prada print wrap dress.

    1. Thanks so much Jo! Had a bit of a mid-month wobble this week (need to put a wash on ha). The Turia pattern is so good isn't it?! I've just found the perfect denim to make a black version :) x


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