
I made a Mimi!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

As promised, here it is: I finally made a Mimi! I actually finished it off last week but I've been quite slow on getting this posted. I was also a bit unsure as to whether I liked the finished blouse at first - it's just SO FEMININE. But then I am female, and I was the one who chose to make the very pretty Love at First Stitch blouse, in a very pretty floral fabric.

I went to the fabric shop with the Mimi in mind, and it just sort of happened. I don't really say no to a very cheap viscose with a decent drape. I gravitated towards the lovely print, and in the week between finishing the blouse and posting about it, I think I've come round to the whole girly-loveliness of it.

If you've made any of Tilly's patterns before then you'll know how great they are, and if you've read my blog before, you'll know how much I go on about them! Well the Mimi is no different. In fact, I found it more useful as a way to exercise and improve certain techniques. It had a few more pattern pieces than I was anticipating, but that's just down to yoke and a few facing pieces. All of these help to create a super neat finish to the blouse.

Speaking of practicing techniques, oooo la laa, just LOOK at my French seams!  What a lovely finish and very easy to do, I think I might try the Frenchies out more often. 

I also got to do my first button holes since secondary school - it's still quite a big deal having a sewing machine with the capability to actually do things! I'd never used a snazzy automatic button hole foot before - I'm sure everyone else has been using them for years. You secure your button in the back and it automatically adjusts to sew a button hole that is the perfect size -MIND BLOWN! I'm glad I did a few practice runs though, as it didn't always get on with my cheapy-cheap viscose. 

Anyway, it all worked out in the end, so taaa daaaa! I have a hand-made button up blouse. All I had to do was put my Dr Martens on and all my gender-related worries were balanced out. 

If I was to make the Mimi again, I'd just make some minor adjustments to the shoulders, which turned out just a bit too wide for me. I cut the size to fit my (rather large bust) without considering what effect this might have on the rest of the blouse. Not very savvy sewing/sizing there! But now I feel much more confident in approaching other patterns for blouses/shirts. I have a vintage shirt pattern and some Liberty fabric that a friend bought me for my birthday, and I think that might have just jumped up my sewing queue...

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  1. I really love it! Plus think you have just the right balance of femininity with the skirt and dr martens. Great job. Zoe.

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  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'm definitely coming round to it now :) x

  4. It's lovely! I like the print you picked. I have this book...have made the pj pants and skirt, want to make this blouse! Thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Thanks so much! I really want to make the pj bottoms too :) they're somewhere on my 'to sew' list! X

  5. It's lush! I've got a similar shape to you but my blouse is like a tent even though I did an fba on it to fit the boobs...how did yours feel fit wise at the back and at the bottom of the front? Also how did you get your waist so nipped in on the megan? Mine is quite loose after an fba. I need to steal your secret knowledge lol

    1. Thank you! I made the blouse in the size to fit my bust, so it is a little big in places - not quite tent like, but it looks better tucked in! I'd probably make a smaller size on the waist and shoulders next time. I didn't do an FBA with the Megan but I elongated the bodice by an inch so the dart tucks didn't get lost under my boobs! I also sewed with a slightly bigger seam allowance at the waist. It helped that the fabric had a tiny bit of stretch too. Hope this helps! :) x

  6. Ah thanks that makes sense in my head now!! I will give it a whirl and brave something with a slight bit of stretch :) looking forward to seeing your next makes! x

  7. I love it and especially love the buttons you chose for it! Great outfit! X

    1. Thank you Cerian! The buttons were a particularly good birthday present from a friend :) x

  8. I found your blog through Tilly And The Buttons, and your Mimi is gorgeous!

    1. Hi Lynne, that's really nice to hear, thank you! And thanks for having a read :)


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