
Doing a Dye Job

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Lovely dyed fabric keeps popping up all over my various social media feeds. Dresses and skirts in dip dyes, stripes, tie-dyes - and the latter has totally been playing on my mind, particularly whilst trawling ALL THE HOMEWARE SHOPS for some acceptable new bed sheets. 

Maybe I'm just fussy, but really, REALLY, who wants their bedding to look like a romp in Pat Butcher's wardrobe? Ok, maybe some people do, but animal print, neon and too many trims, all for the not so bargainous price of £60 - no thanks! So it might be a bit off topic from dressmaking, but I took it upon myself to dye my way to better bedding! Here's my kit:

- Some £12 sheets from Wilko 52% poly, 48% cotton was the best I could get (the colour of the dye comes out stronger the higher your cotton content)
- Dylon Intense Violet fabric dye
- Rubber bands
- ...and not pictured, salt.

I found the centre of my bedding and pillows, banded it all up and stuck it in the sink with the dye and salt (salt is the fixing agent). WARNING: Use rubber gloves as directed to on the pack! I didn't and my hands have been Ribena coloured for days.

And et voilá! New sheets. Not to everyone's liking I'm sure, but to me, they're certainly better than any I've seen in the shops.

The point is, it was SO easy that I feel inspired to experiment. When I was doing my research before making my Vogue 1395, I came across Lauren from Llladybird's version in this amazing hand-dyed silk - oh how I love that fabric. So next on the dyeing agenda is trying to replicate that striped-dye effect for a dress!

Meanwhile, I'm going to light some incense to help my new bedding try and feel at home.

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  1. I love it!!! Simple yet so effective. I was a tie dye junkie from about 10-15 yrs old so this definitely appeals to me . My greatest tie dye achievement was a pair of pale pink and bright purple corduroy flared trousers. I wish I still had them!

    1. Thanks Jo! I was the same when I was around 12/13, everything was multicoloured - not sure I could ever pull off tie dyed flares though! I'm definitely gonna do some more dyeing, but maybe a bit more toned down compared to the old stuff :)

  2. I am so inspired! I really want to get my hands on some tie-dye now - it reminds me of being a kid and tie-dying all my tshirts. Good work :)

    1. Ah thanks Rachael! Yeah I remembered how exciting it used to be doing it when I was younger.
      P.S. just seen your mum's shirt and it's amazing! I LOVE that fabric :)


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