
Sew Loux

Thursday, March 23, 2017

You may have seen some sneak snippets and semi-cryptic captions on my Instagram recently, so I'm really excited to finally share what for me has been a project of epic proportions: making clothes for the screen! Please meet Loux, and their beautifully shot and colour-schemed video for the song Darling:
Loux shot at Victoria Baths, Manchester

More specifically meet front woman Jordan, who I first met up with last summer to begin the process of making her Wes Anderson inspired colour palette come to life (in clothing form). The vision and styling were pretty clear from the start - an cool, slightly androgynous and exaggerated silhouette, offset by a selection of well paired and carefully considered colours.

Jordan - Loux
I drew from my already existing pattern collection (vintage and present day) plus a couple of charity shop patterns that Jordan sourced. By the time the shoot came round in early February, I'd managed to sew up a capsule wardrobe of two tops, two pairs of culottes, a pair of trousers (my very first fly front ever - talk about nerve wracking!) and a vintage shirt - phew!

The specifics:

Papercut Patterns Fall Turtleneck x2
Forever a favourite pattern of mine, we made this up twice to get the exact colour spot on. The fabrics are from Minerva and Fabworks.
Papercut Patterns Rise Turtleneck x2 and culottes (just seen)
B6178 Culottes x2
I've blogged my love for this Butterick pattern previously here. We made these up twice to get a better fit around the hips and waist, and the 2nd pair turned out just perfect! The fabrics were both super cheap, draping, emerald greens from Bombay Stores.

Vintage New Look 6316 blouse
This was one of Jordan's pattern picks, sourced in a charity shop; a boxy, retro blouse (minus the shoulder pads) with some neat tucks and detailing. It's made up in a salmon pink cotton from Fabworks, which makes quite a bold statement in the video.

Vintage New Look 6316

Vintage Me Magazine Palazzo Pants in deep blue/green cotton drill (Fabworks)
This was my first attempt at this 90s magazine pattern and I loved the results so much that I went and made my own pair! They're made up in the perfect weight deep blue/green cotton drill from Fabworks.

My first ever fly front fastening!

Behind the scenes:
I went along to see the video being shot at the beautiful Victoria Baths in Manchester. Here are a few behind the scenes shots that were too lovely not to share:

I hope you all enjoy the video/song/clothes as much as I've enjoyed being a part of it!
For updates from Loux, find them on Facebook
and Instagram

Stay in touch!

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  1. Wow! This is a wonderful mini-wardrobe. And you chose a wonderful color for the shirt. Jordan looks (and sounds!) great!

    1. Thank you! The more I think about them the more I want to make my own versions! :)

  2. What a cool project! I'd love this as a little capsule wardrobe - the shirt is particular is awesome.

    1. Thanks Katie! Might have to try making a considered capsule wardrobe for myself someday :)

  3. How cool! I was wondering what you was up to, thanks for spilling the beans! I bet she was really chuffed with her new clothes collection. ��

    1. Thanks Ali! Been working on it for ages so it's so nice to see the finished product! Now to get back to sewing for me :) x

  4. those colours are gorgeous, and what a location, and it was a real treat to have a soundtrack to read the post to!

    1. It was so great to see the baths! And a nice change for me to work with a bit more colour... :)

  5. Brilliant, love Wes Andersons styling, you nailed it.

  6. Love the looks and the band! And I'm a huge fan of turtlenecks; I'll have to try that pattern. Nice work. Cheers!

    1. Thanks Claudia! It's one of my favourite patterns and a really quick one to make up - would definitely recommend :)

  7. Wowsers! What a great project to work on, and as ever, your makes are fab!

    1. Thanks Lynne! Really pleased that someone else loves some of my favourite patterns too :)


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