
Happy half-decade blog!

Monday, April 15, 2019

As of today, I've been keeping this corner of the internet alive for half a decade - happy birthday blog! I wanted to mark this not-quite-momentous occasion with a small post, but the inspiration hasn't really struck me. What I can say is how proud I am that sewing has gone from my small-time hobby to a full blown lifestyle choice, and I'm glad I've stuck to writing about it for so long. I'm so very thankful to the people, pattern companies fellow sewists and sewing businesses who've supported this small personal venture of mine. The encouragement, advice and friendship I've been fortunate enough to receive over the years is more than I could have ever dreamed of when I started writing in 2014.

Pondering blogging, sewing, life...
Whilst blogs were rumoured to be on the out while mine was on the in, I still have the hope and stubborn belief that The Magnificent Thread will live on beyond and outside of scroll city and the Instagram algorithm/like circus. I still like reading long format reviews and I hope you do too! And audience aside, my own reviews have proven to be useful reference points for charting my evolving style, growing skill set, previous pattern iterations and notes for next time. This blog and my clothes have been my rather public diary for the past 5 years and long may it continue.

I've been pondering some of these things over the weekend wearing my latest make: the Vogue V9218 robe in View B. It's been nice to take a step back and invest my sewing time in something that's not for my wardrobe or any particular 'look', but entirely for me - a piece that almost no one would have ever seen until I went and put it on the internet (of course)! I'd definitely recommend a similar make if you need to press pause on your sewing plans and regroup.

I'll wind up this little stream of consciousness now by saying thank you again for taking the time to stop by my blog, whether that's been in the past, the present or maybe even in the future. If you're a fellow blog-advocate, I'd be grateful if you could let me know some of your favourites (and yours!) below so I can keep following and supporting as many as possible.

Lots of love,

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  1. Well done Shauni. I love your blog and have been reading it probably since you started. I hope blogs don't disappear entirely as they are definitely helpful and inspiring in a way that Instagram can't be. I love your makes and it's been really interesting to see your sewing journey. Thanks, Lisa x

    1. Thank you so much Lisa, for reading and taking the time to comment! Sometimes blogging takes a lot of energy and effort, but it's worth it for so many reasons. I'm glad you feel the same as me :) xx

  2. Congratulations Shauni! Here's to many more years of blogging.

    1. Thank you Diane! There's no reason not to now :) Here's to many more years! x

  3. Love your makes Shaun - happy fifth birthday!

    1. Thanks Naomi! 'Happy 5th birthday' isn't one I've heard for a very long time hahaha :)

  4. Happy blog-iversary! I always look forward to your posts. <3


    1. Thank you Abbey! That's really lovely :) xx

  5. Congratulations on five years of blogging! I still blog myself (sewstainability) and read blogs. I hear people talking about how vlogs are the way to go now but I'm entirely too anxious for that so I'm sticking to blogging. If I'm looking at trying a difficult pattern, the first thing I do is look for blog posts about it - so I hope blogs will still be around for a long time to come!

    1. Thank you Vicky! I've loved following your sewing journey too :) I like the idea of vlogging, but know that I'm too much of a perfectionist to enter into it myself - it's taken long enough to be brave/confident just for photographs! I like reading on the go and in my lunch break, so blogs are definitely for me too for the foreseeable! xx

  6. Happy blog birthday! I love blogging too (www.coffeeandyarn.co.uk) although now I have a baby I’m not managing to post as much as I’d like! I Love reading your blog and your honesty about your makes has made me realise that it’s ok to not love everything you make and great fit is achieved through practice. Seeing your amazing creations is very inspiring! Thank you for sharing! Julie

    1. Thank you Julie! Great fit definitely takes practice -I just spent a full weekend revisiting old garments I thought I'd achieved it with, but after wear, realised they still needed some tweaks. It felt like a slog but I'm glad I did it!

      I don't always blog as much as I'd like when life stuff crops up, but it's nice to look back on posts in those periods and feel inspired by other people's blogs! I see from yours that you're also a fan of Textile Garden buttons - we have that in common as they're my favourite :) xx

  7. Happy Birthday to youuu!

    Hope you Keep on going with the Blog, I really appreciate Reading your Posts and a lot of your Makes make my to sew-List longer and longer. I started my Blog (www.seweryna.de) in 2012 as Part of a Course at the university and I also still enjoy it.
    Greetings from Frankfurt,

    1. Thank you Marta! I definitely plan to keep on going for as long as my sewing list (which is endless haha)! I wish I had continued the blogs I started at university as they would be fun to look over, but I didn't have the drive or direction then that I did when I found that sewing was my creative 'thing' or passion! It's an amazing achievement that you've kept yours for so many years - I bet it's great to see your creative journey! :)

  8. Happy blogiversary! I really enjoy reading your sewing adventures on your blog, you inspired me to buy at least two different trouser patterns which I aim to make in the new month or so (hopefully in time for Me-Made-May!). Keep up the fantastic work on your blog!
    A fellow northerner (West Yorkshire) who blogs at CJ Made x

    1. Thank you Caroline, that's so lovely to hear :) I can probably guess at least one of those trouser patterns... the M7661s? Look forward to seeing them hopefully in May. Thanks for reading and your support over at CJ Made xx

  9. Happy blog birthday, Shauni! I've loved seeing and reading about your evolving style and ever increasing sewing skills over the years.

    I don't blog nearly as much as I used to, but don't intend to let it go. Like you, I love having a creative diary and reading other blogs. Some of my favourite sewing blogs, off the top of my head, are Rebecca at Redsews, Ruth at nightingaleDoolittle, Lynne at Ozzyblackbeard, Attack of the Seam Ripper and the Sewcialists blog. I'm always looking for new people to follow too :)

    1. Thanks so much Jo! I really appreciate it :) I also don't feel like I blog as much (and possibly make as much too), but it's nice to know that it's there when I need it! Thanks as well for the list of other sewing blogs! I'm going to check out the ones I don't already follow now! xxx

  10. Long may blogs reign! I love them - they're invaluable for specific pattern advice, general learning, and just plain fun to read! Some of my favorites are I sew therefore I am, Coco's Loft, and Kat Makes (and yours!). I started blogging myself last year and it's most useful to me, certainly, as a record of sizes I've sewn and changes I've made.

    Congratulations on your milestone! If your blog was a person it would have independent scissor skills by now! XD Well done, Shauni!

    1. Thanks Lia - what a lovely thought that my little blog could be a little person undertaking supervised but solo cutting haha.
      Glad you feel the same about blogs - and that yours is proving to be a useful personal record too :) Happy sewing and blogging xxx


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