
Polka party dress takes a spin (or two!)

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

After a few nights of furious sewing - and a bit of hemming on my lunch break(!) - I finished the dress, JUST in time to wear out. And wear it out I did. In fact, it got a couple of turns over the weekend.

Here are a couple of snaps before the night. I don't look very happy, but inside I'm cheering 'a dress that fits hooraayyyy!'

And a little bit of detail here...
I cannot believe I've never used bias binding to finish garments until now. WHY?! It finished off the raw edges under the arm perfectly. It was a lifesaver on the hem too. It saved all the pain and burnt fingers from trying to press the hem under, and I got to practice some more of my neat little uneven slipstitch - even if I was trying to balance it with eating lunch.

Also a little shot of the back, with zip fastening and hook and eye to secure. It's probably a little bit lower than I'd like it to be. I normally wear dresses and blouses with higher necklines though, so it's probably just something I'm not used to.

I'd say the neckline and shoulders are actually a bit big fit-wise. If I was to make the dress again I'd have to go with the size 12 measurements and do a bit of nifty pattern altering/magic to make the bust and bodice fit. And I can't believe I questioned the sleeves, they're great! Though the double thickness of fabric and shape of them make my shoulders look a bit odd if worn with a cardi. I guess it could be made using a thinner contrast fabric for the sleeve facing. I'd love to add some pockets at the side seam too.

Anyway, I can't nit-pick too much. I'm, pretty pleased with it over all! Here is a shot from wear #2. I went to visit friends for a garden party on a lovely sunny day.

And here I am (with all my chins) being SO HAPPY with to have a dress that fits and some sun!

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