
Me Made May 16: The Pledge!

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I'm really excited about Me Made May this year. I'm a little embarrassed to admit that my previous attempts haven't exactly been successful, but then, it is meant to be a challenge... For anyone who doesn't know, Me Made May is a fab, yearly challenge, organised by Zoe of So Zo... What do you know?, which encourages makers to embrace their handmade items and wear them more (for the duration of May and hopefully much longer after that!). This will be my third time giving it a go, and I definitely feel that it will be a case of third time lucky.

My attempt at gathering all my handmade clothes in a pile - this isn't even all of them!
My history with Me Made May goes something like this... 

In 2014 I jumped into it with great enthusiasm, predicting that I would have a rosy month full of handmade, when in fact I was still a very new dressmaker, with approximately 4 me-made items to my name. Of course, you can still play along with only a few handmade items if you set your pledge accordingly. But did I do that?...No.

- I felt more prepared for my '1 me-made item per day' pledge in 2015, but I let life get in the way. A house move and a holiday came up, and suddenly all my me-mades were in the washing basket and it all went out of the window by week two.

So it's 2016, and I feel like I've hit my stride with dressmaking; I feel confident and comfortable with my output, and I love wearing it. Here's a pledge that I'm going to stick to this year; I'm going to keep it very simple...

 'I, Shauni of The Magnificent Thread and @shaunimagnifique, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '16. I endeavour to wear 1 or more me made items each day for the duration of May 2016. I intend to use it as an opportunity to re-evaluate my handmade wardrobe, re-introduce long lost makes into regular rotation, and identify those that I no longer get great joy from wearing and assign them for recycling or re-purposing.'

Of course I'll be looking to identify any gaps too, one of which is already glaringly obvious... I'm seriously lacking in me-made tops. So I'll throw in a sideline pledge to make a couple of tops during May too :)

To find out More about MMMay16 and see other people's pledges, check out Zoe's post.

I'll be posting not-quite-daily but regular updates on Instagram and via the other social media streams below, and possibly the odd blog round up too. Can't wait to see everyone else sharing their Me Made May efforts!

Stay in touch!

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