
Prospective crafters of Leeds!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I'm super pleased to announce that I'll be running some workshops in Leeds as a part of Stitch-Up's fabulous 'Festival Threads' series! It's been in the works for a little while now and Jen from Stitch-Up has been working hard to put together a brilliant jam-packed programme, so it's great to be able to share :)

Festival Threads is being delivered in association with this year's #BIGDISCO festival, so expect extra sparkles. I'll be helping people to make their very own fab festival kimono and sequinned disco capes, and I can't wait try my hand at all the other workshops (desperate to make myself a sparkly pom-pom headdress!). So come learn to sew, crochet, pom-pom and get generally all-round crafty at Duke Studios with some super talented makers (and me!).

For full details and to book your place see here.

The beautiful Stitch-Up studio in Sunny Bank Mills
Stitch-Up is an innovative social enterprise made up of talented local makers and designers, delivering exciting workshops, events and community projects. The aim is to engage and inspire people of all ages/abilities to learn a valuable new craft skill! Also I just had to put up a picture of the  d r e a m y  Stitch-Up studio (above) which I'm totally in love with. (Is it too much to ask my bf if we can move house so I can have something similar..?)

Just some of the Stitch-Up team
It's been lots of fun and super inspiring to meet like-minded makers, and I'm looking forward to meeting more people with an interest in all things crafty through the Festival Threads workshops!

Follow Stitch-Up on Twitter and Instagram, and check out the Facebook for all the latest news and events!

Please pass the message on to anyone who may be interested! See you there with sparkles on top :)

Stay in touch!

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  1. That sounds amazing Shauni!! Wish I lived up there so I could come and make a disco cape!!

    1. Thanks Jess, really looking forward to them! Wish you were up here too - another research visit maybe? haha x


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