
Talvikki two meets Nita three (and it wasn't quite meant to be)

Sunday, February 05, 2017

Do you ever feel completely underwhelmed by your makes? The sort that don't turn out too bad, but should have turned out amazing. The ones that had all the ingredients to be the very best versions of themselves - you've tried and tested the pattern and found amazing fabric - but the the finished results just leave you feeling a bit 'meh'? Well that's how I feel about my second attempt at the Talvikki Sweater and my third Nita Wrap Skirt...

Talvikki meets Nita: my underwhelmed face
I bought this amazing wool mix fabric from Barry's way back at Sew Brum, with the Talvikki in mind. My first Talvikki was hot off the machine at the time and I was desperate to make another in quick succession. It has the feel of a light weight boiled wool with a slight stretch. The print drew me in and I thought it would be perfect. 

The beautiful print up close
When I finally got around to the make, I sewed it in record time; even making a bit more effort with stabilising the shoulders as this one really was all about showing off the lovely fabric. I didn't have any clear elastic as the pattern suggests, so I used strips of jersey to support both the shoulder seams and turtleneck.

Stabilising the shoulders with jersey
On the whole, the finished thing leaves me feeling a bit deflated. I'm not sure that the Talvikki works in such a loud print, or maybe the print doesn't work on me - it's now I remember why I usually steer clear of most prints. (My boyfriend suggested it made me look like a wotsit not long after taking these pictures - not exactly the look I was going for)! The lack of stretch and difference in drape of the fabric means it doesn't sit quite as well as I'd hoped. I've rolled the sleeves up as they look too wide and hollow otherwise, and the dropped shoulders look less smooth and more boxy than they would in a jersey.

Back view

And then there's the Nita Wrap Skirt. I pattern tested this one using polka dot crepe and used pleather for my second version, and they're both amongst the most worn items in my wardrobe. I was really interested in a mid length denim version, and was totally convinced that it would be perfect in combination with the Talvikki based on my Pinterest inspo: 

Pinterest perfection
In reality, I think the pairing makes me look a bit bloated and frumpy. Perhaps I'm being overly critical as the skirt isn't so bad at all and definitely a wearable garment, but it's just not quite lived up to my styling expectations (see image below compared to image above)!

Not quite a Pinterest fail, but not my favourite
I left the hem raw as I thought this might add a bit of an 'edge'. I'm hoping it will distress a bit more naturally after a run through the wash (and hopefully the denim will lighten a bit too), but if I'm still not convinced, I'll chop it off and hem it properly. One thing I'm really proud of is the contrast topstitching down the front. I would've loved to topstitch along the whole waistband, but after giving it a go on the underside wrap, I found that the bulk made it too difficult to do neatly.

Although both garments definitely don't go together hand in hand, the Nita is the first tick off my #2017makenine, and the Talvikki marks the final make from my winter sewing list - which I can't quite believe I actually finished! I hate the thought of any make languishing in the back of the wardrobe, particularly ones like these that are perfectly wearable, but I just have a few niggles over. I'm sure the Nita will get the wear it deserves come spring and summer. The denim actually gives it a bit more structure and prevents it flying open when walking, unlike my first version which is flash central without tights! And while I want to love the Talvikki more, I think it might be relegated to a house-only jumper for now (particularly after the wotsits comparison...). Styling suggestions to help me get the most out of the two are very welcome!

At least it was sunny for pictures - thanks Chris!
I'm always a little tentative about posting my 'meh' makes, but I guess it's good for providing a bit of balance. Not everything works out, even the ones that should - in this case, it's probably a combination of lofty ambitions and wrong fabric choices. How do other people feel about sharing the makes that leave them feeling a bit deflated? And what do you do with yours? Do you try to salvage them, pretend they never happened or grin, bear and wear?

Some special makes for someone else...
In other news, most of my personal sewing time has been eaten up by a special project I'm working on for someone else (see above). I'm excited to share it as soon as I can, but also looking forward to getting a bit more making time back for me. I have the loveliest fabric and pattern from Sew Essential queued up, which I'm hoping will give me just the boost I need!

Stay in touch!

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  1. I dig the whole outfit actually, especially the skirt - the raw edge is brilliant. I hope they both grow on you!

    1. Thanks Katie! The raw edge has been met with mixed reviews, but I'm liking it more and more. Fingers crossed they grow on me :)

  2. You do a very good job of describing the feeling of sewing "underwhelment". It can be very disappointing--deflating as you say--to despite having all the right ingredients not really be thrilled with the outcome. I really like the sweater in particular but I do love prints. Maybe trying to style each piece with other items could help rethink them.

    1. Thanks Jess! I've had a fairly good run of garments I love, so it feels especially disappointing to have a couple of underwhelming makes. I'm definitely going to have a wardrobe try on session with both of these garments - determined to make them work :) x

  3. I really like them both! Perhaps the sweater would look better untucked to avoid it bunching up too much. You might also find you love it more if you match it with a different colour? The skirt is fab and looks amazing on you. Equally as good as the Pinterest version.

    1. Thanks Rachel! I think you're right about the sweater being untucked, but it's quite boxy, so could do with some slim legged trousers to balance it out. My love for the skirt is growing though which is good :)

  4. I 100% know the feeling. I put any underwhelming makes "on trial". By that I mean I wear them in different ways (maybe the jumper with trousers would work well?) for a little while, and if every time I wear them I still feel "meh" about them, they gotta go. Sometimes an underwhelmer surprises you though and actually becomes nice to wear! Good luck with your new project xxx

    1. I like the 'on trial' idea! I've had it before where makes have grown on me with wear so fingers crossed... xxx

  5. I think they're both lovely garments, but not together. I think the top would look better loose over some skinny jeans, rather than tucked into a skirt, and the skirt would look great with a Breton type top tucked in, or a fitted shirt.

    1. Thanks Sam! I think you're right about them not being worn together - I was just so set on it looking like that Pinterest image. Definitely gonna try a lightweight blouse and fitted top with the skirt x

  6. They are both lovely, but I think tucking in the top adds more bulk and I think the top would look great pared with cigarette pants?, Nice tip on the jersey strip instead of the clear elastic (I never know where you are supposed to source that stuff)
    that pinspiration is lovely but I would love to see the whole pic as I think they could be jeans the model is wearing(?)

    1. Thanks Eimear :) I need to add some black skinny trousers to the sewing list and hopefully the jumper will see more outings. And I didn't have much to go on with the Pinterest image - it was always just a crop, but I got the idea into my head that these makes had to look a bit like that! I think I'll only go off full outfit images in future :) x

  7. When you buy fabrics and have a picture of how it's going to look when it's finished. Sometimes the reality is different. Both makes are looking great in my opinion. I think the sweater works better untucked and on skinny jeans or a tight trouser. I would shorten the skirt wear them with lighter tights, ballerina's and a striped top. Looking forward what you're doing with all the suggestions.

    1. Hi Sonja! I really thought I'd got the fabric right, so it's definitely done something to shake up my fabric shopping/perceptions/expectations a bit (which isn't entirely a bad thing). I'm going to try them out separately (a 'trial run' a bit like Ree has suggested above) and hopefully they'll received the love and wear they deserve! x


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