
Body confidence and 'braving' the Nikko Dress

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

As someone who's barely worn a t-shirt since being a teenager, I've been finding it difficult to judge what knits will sit well on the body and which ones are the best to work with for each project. I remember the horrors of clinging high street knits all too well, so I want to get it right as I amp up my sewing with stretch. After making the True Bias Nikko Top (in a slightly too stretchy rib knit - see here) and seeing the amazing fit Kate from The Fold Line achieved with hers in grey, I decided imitation (*cough* outright copying) was a sure fire way to get it right.

True Bias Nikko Dress
I used the exact grey marl viscose jersey from Fabrics Galore that Kate used for hers. If it hadn't been for the recommendation, I would have probably let it pass me by, thinking it was too lightweight for a project like this. When it arrived, I was still worried that the fabric was too light and also slightly see through when held up, but I went with it in the effort of honing my not-quite-there-yet jersey-judgement, and it worked!

In sunny Hebden Bridge-post Rag Market
The Nikko dress has a slightly more relaxed fit from the waist down, which I didn't think would be the most flattering fit for me, so I made some slight adjustments to get a closer fit at the waist. I cut a size 6 at the neckline and bust, grading down to a 2 at the waist and out to a 4 at the hips. I also took the split seams and hem up by 3" (I'm 5ft 6" for reference, so this is a long dress). Just like the top, it's a very quick and easy make and the instructions are easy to follow.

Whilst my Nikko Dress has turned out close fitting in the way I intended it to be, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just a little self conscious when wearing it. The fabric is spot on, if not a little clingy, and using plain grey has made for an unintentionally bold finish. From some angles I feel totally statuesque, and from others... more like the fifth (grey) teletubby. I definitely like the finished dress more than not though and really want to get wear out of it, so I guess I've got no option other than to try and own it.

Less into this angle...
Wearing it with a slip does reduce some of the cling and skims the underwear lines a bit. I also think I might feel a bit more comfortable by breaking the block colour up. I had a black leather jacket on before taking these pictures and felt great, so I think I might just need to wear something over the top, like a loose button up shirt (actually that's a good excuse to make one - I'm thinking khaki will fit in nicely with the rest of my wardrobe)!

Thanks Mum for patiently waiting for the walkers and cyclists to pass to take these
I'm not an un-body confident sort of person, but it is a dress that I feel like I need to 'brave' to an extent. It's quite difficult putting yourself/body out there in a silhouette you're not quite used to - even if the only person who really knows it or cares is you. It is a lovely pattern, so I am determined to integrate the Nikko into my wardrobe, to the point where I don't have to feel brave to put it on. Points if you spot me, head held high looking positively statuesque in my big grey Nikko!

Has anyone else had similar feelings about 'braving' wearing certain garments?

Stay in touch!

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  1. You look bloody brilliant in this dress! You have a killa bod and I am glad that you are going all out there with your brave self and owning it. Look out Hebden Bridge, there is a statuesque grey-clad goddess out and about x
    I LOVE Hebden Bridge and used to hang out there as a teenager with my mates thinking we were cool / emo back in the 90's ; )

    1. Thanks so much Caroline. And haha it's nice of you to say so, though I'm still warming up to feeling it myself :) Certainly look out Hebden Bridge (though I'm sure no one would ever bat an eyelid there whatever I wear there haha). It's the best place! Have you been to the Rag Market that they hold there twice a year? It's a fabric haven!! xx

  2. You look amazing in this dress!!! And I totally get what you mean about feeling self-conscious in certain garments - I feel that way about pencil skirt. Really need to get over myself!!

    1. Thanks so much Lynne! Glad it's not just me. I always think you look fab whatever you wear, so I guess we're just being overly critical of ourselves x

  3. you look fab and definitely not like a fifth teletubbie! I need both your confidence AND (more importantly!) your jersey sewing skills! x

    1. Thanks so much Emma (glad that other people didn't draw the teletubbie likeness haha). I definitely wouldn't say I have a particular skill for sewing jersey, more just a walking foot and trial and error experience in picking the right fabric! Go for it :) x

  4. You kill that dress, love it with the boots and tights, and I bet even better with the biker jacket. Didn't know about the rag market. I've spent some happy times at Hebdon bridge!

    1. Thanks Mags - I definitely feel a certain sort of 'cool' with the leather jacket too! You should definitely try and make it over for the next Rag Market if you can :) They're twice a year - usually April and October! x

  5. I think it's super flattering on you. I love it!


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