
Me Made May 2018 Round Up!

Thursday, May 31, 2018

WE MADE IT (and I mean that in all senses)! I've been really dedicated with the daily photographs this Me Made May and I'm pleased to have a lasting record which shows not only what I wore and how I wore it, but also reflects upon such a full and exciting month. I've spent time in Berlin, Sheffield, Manchester, London and my home town of Leeds; made it to 2 music festivals, seen friends, family, and squeezed in work on the days in between (which has included everything from office days to interviewing, and school workshop delivery)! I'm exhausted, but so incredibly proud to see that my humble handmade wardrobe stands up to the test of my varied and busy lifestyle. Here's what I wore for the second half of May (the first half is here):

Week 3
15th  - Named Clothing Reeta Shirt Dress Hack, self drafted split-side skirt
16th - Ready to Sew Juliette Skirt, True Bias Nikko Top
17th - M7661 Trousers, Papercut Patterns Kyoto Tee
18th - True Bias Lander Pants, Closet Case Patterns Nettie Top, wrap top from vintage magazine pattern
19th - Papercut Patterns Kyoto Tee (without the ruffle), self drafted skirt
20th - Afternoon Fern Shorts, Named Clothing Reera Shirt Dress Hack
21st - Newly adjusted trousers from vintage magazine pattern, Papercut Patterns Rise Turtleneck, Just Patterns Linda Wrap Dress (worn as jacket)

Week 4
22nd - NEW Named Clothing Reeta Shirt Dress hack, True Bias Lander Pants
23rd - B6178 Culottes, Papercut Patterns Kyoto Tee (without the ruffle)
24th - Named Clothing Reeta Shirt Dress hack, M7661 Trousers
25th - Papercut Patterns Waver Jacket, Papercut Patterns Rise Turtleneck, New Look 6459 Trousers
26th - NEW True Bias Lander Pants, Named Clothing Reeta Shirt Dress hack
27th - True Bias Lander Pants, Named Clothing Reeta Shirt Dress hack, Kylie & the Machine Ida Clutch
28th - Named Clothing Reeta Shirt Dress

And, the final few days...
29th - Named Clothing Reeta Shirt Dress hack, True Bias Lander Pants
30th - Named Clothing Inari Tee Dress hack, Closet Case Patterns Nettie Top
31st - Adjusted trousers from vintage magazine pattern, Papercut Patterns Rise Turtleneck

I introduced a few new items in the second half of May that are yet to be blogged, but already in good rotation, filling some of the gaps I noticed in the first half of the month. The Reeta Shirt Dress hacked tops and my newly fitting Lander Pants, along with my M7661 Trousers,  have been my absolute staples this month. I had feared that everything was becoming a bit repetitive in the second half of the May, but someone kindly told me to consider this a 'signature style' rather than call out my outfit choices as 'same-y'. Thanks for such wisdom - the future of my wardrobe looks bright and coherent!

And the real win to come out of my 'same-y' outfit crisis, is the nudge it gave me to address some much needed adjusting/fixing/salvaging. I adjusted and got wear our of two pairs of trousers and hacked my Reeta Shirt Dress into a silhouette that feels much more wearable for me!

Whilst I'm ready to break from the daily selfies and social media scrolling (I'm sure my boyfriend and friends will welcome this too), I have no burning desire to jump back into any RTW. It's handmade all the way, and I can see a fair bit of thought going into how I might step up my pledge for 2019... Thanks Zoe for organising a wonderful community event once again! S!ee you next year Me Made May-ers!

Stay in touch!

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  1. I love your handmade wardrobe! You have lots of trousers in particular, something that I definitely need to make more of.

    1. Thanks so much! I definitely didn't have so many trousers last year, so making progress with different types of clothes :)

  2. I loved your daily outfits! Your trouser selection is enviable (you and Naomi kill me with your taste in trousers), and far from feeling repetitive, it just looked like you had a (very cool) signature style going on. =)


    1. Thank you Abbey! I hadn't realised how much of a 'trouser-addict' I'd become, but definitely enjoying making and wearing them :) xx


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