
Mid way through MMMay18

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

I wasn't going to do a progress update on my Me Made May efforts, but I've found myself referring to last year's regularly for inspiration when I've been feeling a bit stuck. Whilst a lot of my clothes are different this May due to my measurements changing, something that is also noticeable in comparison with last year are the changes in how I'm choosing to dress. I feel like I might really be homing in on a solid sense of personal style! Here's what I've worn so far (blog post linked where item has been blogged):

Week 1
1st - True Bias Lander Pants, Papercut Patterns Kyoto Tee (without the ruffle) over a Closet Case Patterns Nettie Top, Kylie & the Machine Ida Clutch
2nd - Closet Case Patterns Nettie Dress
3rd - M7661 Trousers, Papercut Patterns Rise Turtleneck hack
4th - B6178 Culottes, Papercut Patterns Rise Turtleneck
5th - Named Clothing Reeta Shirt Dress hack, Ready to Sew Juliette skirt
6th - M7661 trousers, Named Clothing Reeta Shirt Dress hack (faux jumpsuit-ing) Kylie & the Machine Ida Clutch
7th - Papercut Patterns Rise Turtleneck hack, Ready to Sew Juliette Skirt, Kylie & the Machine Ida Clutch

I started the month out in Berlin and had the whole week off, so whilst I was busy with social plans, I could have a fairly relaxed approach to putting my outfits together. Days 5-7 are a bit same-y, but mark my 'travelling light' capsule wardrobe for covering 3 different cities in 3 days with just a tote bag in tow - friends, festivals, fun!

Most proud of...

Saving old me-mades! Photo by and backdrop courtesy of Emma (potyertitsawayluv)
Day 6 might have been my favourite outfit of the week (more on that in a future #sewingleftovers post), but day 4 is defintiely one worth pointing out. I'd resigned myself to the fact that these B6178 culottes were too big and heading for the recycling, but the strong pull to wear them for Me Made May and some elastic in the waistband has rescued them! I'm thrilled as they're my favourite pair of culottes, and whilst I'll make future versions of this pattern in a smaller size, I could totally get used to the snug-with-some-elastic-ease fit at the waist. I'm hoping to salvage a few more pairs of trousers in a similar way throughout the month.

Week 2
8th - Sew DIY Nita Wrap Skirt hack, Papercut Patterns Kyoto Tee (without the ruffle)
9th - Trend Patterns Frilled Hem Top, GBSB Casual Trouser hack
10th - True Bias Lander Pant, Closet Case Patterns Nettie Top, Named Clothing Reeta Shirt Dress hack
11th - Named Clothing Isla Trench Coat, M7661 trousers, Papercut Patterns Rise Turtleneck hack
12th - True Bias Nikko Dress, Radiant Home Studio Retro Rucksack
13th - B6178 Culottes, Named Clothing Reeta Shirt Dress hack
14th - Ready to Sew Jazz Jumpsuit, Closet Case Patterns Nettie Top

Back at work for week 2, and the weather was surprisingly warm by UK standards. We're luckily on the casual side of smart-casual,  but I did have a mild panic about having to look 'smart' for work on day 11. I threw some posher shoes on and it sort of worked, but that's a definite wardrobe gap identified.

The one I wish I'd got a better picture of...

Latest make and current fave!
My Me Made May is turning into the 'how do I wear this shirt nearly every day, without people noticing I wear it nearly every day?' challenge. True to form, my latest make is my favourite make and this experimental-for-me outfit incorporating the Reeta Shirt Dress hack is one of the best things to come out of my MMMay-ing so far! I'd wear the same all month if I could/if it wasn't exposed via the daily selfies. From June onwards, it's all about repeat wear, don't care!

To be continued on June 1st!

Stay in touch!

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